
Mint date:   4/15/2022

Pixel Bottles (Mint)

Pixel Bottles is a nft project that was created to help eliminate as much plastic from our oceans across the world. So whenever you buy or sell an nft from this project 30% of the money is donated to a nonprofit organization, that has a mission to clean up as much plastic and trash in the ocean. By buying one of these nft's you are still able to make money while donating money to clean the ocean at the same time. The plastic in the ocean is a big problem and I am here to help instead of just doing nothing. So if you want to make a difference in the world by trading nft's you have come to the project.
collection Image


Our Collection is listed on https://raritysniper.com/nft-drops-calendar?blockchain=polygon make sure to go check it out! Our Collection has also been recently listed on NFT Calendar https://nftcalendar.io/event/pixel-bottles/  


The Team is fully doxxed click this google doc to see more about the team! https://docs.google.com/document/d/16tLDYrFLsO-yMYhAbizmk0Eh0Hc6EpeC58vAfiVIh6U/edit?usp=sharing


1)  Our mint goes successful

2)  We airdrop 10 NFT's to our community 

3)  We donate 30% of the earnings to charity

4)  We pay back our moms 

5)  Holders will get exclusive access to merchandise, T-Shirt, Sweatshirts ... etc

6)  We create a 3D NFT collection for holders

Recent Mints

Pixel Bottles - 99


Pixel Bottles - 98


Pixel Bottles - 97


Pixel Bottles - 96


Pixel Bottles - 95


Pixel Bottles - 94


Pixel Bottles - 93


Pixel Bottles - 92
