What's new in VOZTAG-B ?
The VOZTAG team decided to do a second drop even if the first one was made on February 18th. Here is why :
The fundamental principal behind the VOZTAG project is to change the world !
How ? By bringing humans closer together by facilitating exchange and proximity amongst those with similar passion, interests, hobbies, …
That is why the (hidden)Minting concept doesn't work with our project. You have to be able to choose your VOZTAG according to YOUR passion and YOUR taste!
That's why we decided to deploy phase II that was supposed to be launched in 2023 on February 22nd 2022.
The second collection is composed of 10,000 unique VOZTAG living on the Polygon blockchain. 10,000 uniquely generated VOZTAG that have integrated the blockchain. Drawn by hand and assembled by code, not one VOZTAG is the same!
The new VOZTAGs are the same 222 passion designs and now some of them include new backgrounds, a new layer composed of frames and one composed of one of two small VOZTAGs
-Peace (which stands as the VOZTAG logo as well)
For those humans who like peace for our planet.
For those eco humans who are sensible about the future of our planet.
Some passions missing ? Some requests ? Our team of designers are drawing the next phase as we speak. Include your passion by sending an e-mail at
[email protected] request will be processed according to date of arrival and number of demands.
Subscribe to our social medias to grab your next gen VOZTAG first!
Now chose YOUR favorite VOZTAG and display it proudly!